Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tank Has Taught Me...

Tank is my very energetic 6 month old Pughuahua. To most people he is just a dog but to me he is an example of how I should live my life.
Tank wakes up every morning with a joy that I can only describe as Christmas morning gift opening joy! He jumps, runs and barks in delight when its time to get up.He looks at me with love and over looks the messy hair and the morning breath. How can you not love that?
Breakfast is never a disappointment to him, even if its just kibble.He sits and waits until I tell him to eat and then rushes in with such enthusiasm! He eats without complaints and at times asks for more. His loving kisses after wards are his thanks for a full belly.
The rest of his day is filled with playing, running and getting into trouble. He loves to chew...paper, shoes, moms bras and even moms glasses! When he gets caught doing a "No" he immediately rolls on his back in apology then comes and gives me kisses. He then turns around and finds something else to get into and we are back at square one!
Tank has taught me to view each day with excitement and awe. I've learned to not be picky and to be grateful for all I have. I should love everyone with an innocence of a child and never be afraid to humble myself and apologize for my wrong doing. The biggest lesson:Good food, good friends and fun is all we need to be happy. The rest is like a doggy treat....great to have but not needed to survive!

Just a Girl

I am not a writer. At least I don't think I am. What I am is a girl with the need to write. There is  a difference right? This need comes from the beatings I have taken from life, as well as the blessings it has given me. There is too much inside that needs to come out, that needs to be told.

My only hope from this is to share pieces of me and maybe bless someone along the way. I will not promise eloquent writing but I will promise honesty and emotion. I may not be or become an award winning writer but I do plan on being real and transparent. we go.