Thursday, November 24, 2011

Twinkies and Strawberry Milk

I have always wanted a son. I have a beautiful daughter but a part of me has always felt a son would have been nice. A few months after my daughter was born I became pregnant again with a boy. For whatever God’s reasons, I never got to hold my baby boy. We named him Steven Ray. I have never forgotten him and as the years go by I can’t help but wonder what kind a man he would have turned out to be. Would he be like his father or me? Who would he look like? Would he be a mommy’s boy? So many unanswered questions.

As my daughter grew up I wished she had a sibling to play with. She had her cousins, Albert and Jessica, but to have a brother or sister would have been nice. She played well alone. She would sit and play with her dolls or play with the dogs or we would read together. As most kids do, she would ask for a brother or sister. Unfortunately it never happened.

When she was 18 years old she met a young man named Devon. We live in Northern California and he lived in Southern California but they communicated over the phone or internet. On one of our trips to Southern California my daughter asked her dad if he would mind picking up Devon so he could spend some time with us. I was not thrilled but there was nothing my husband would not do for TiAnna, so we picked this young man up. We spent some time at Universal City Walk…had a nice dinner and walked around. Like I said before, I was less than thrilled but what could I do once he was already there? After a few hours, we took him home and that was that.

My daughter eventually married and moved away to Texas then to Mexico. She has given me two beautiful grand daughters, Mireya and Natalie. Her life is her own and she lives it to the fullest. I admire her for her zest for life and for living life on her terms. You can say she is my hero. I love my daughter with all my heart and my grand babies are my heart. I am a very proud mom and grandma.

Last year she made contact with Devon via Facebook. I am not sure at what point he and I became online friends, but we did. As time went by I started to see how “together” this young man was. He had grown up. I was in awe of how intelligent and hardworking he was. I guess I assumed he was just another knucklehead when I first met him. At that time my daughter was attracted to less than decent boys so I thought he was the same. Man was I ever wrong!

In the last year I have grown to know and love this young man. There is a strength and determination in him that leaves me in awe. He has overcome so much and has not allowed himself to become bitter or angry at what life has handed him. Devon lived with his grandparents for a while and his mother came in and out of his life. When his grandparents lost their home he ended up living in a park and trying to stay out of trouble. He kept going to school and eventually graduated. He did not want to become a statistic so he had to encourage himself to keep going. This young man lived through hell for years but continued to push forward.

Devon now has his own place, is a college graduate, a Chef, a kick boxer, the owner of one kick ass car and the father of a beautiful little boy. This summer he went to Hawaii for a competition and while he was there he taught himself to swim! I am convinced there is nothing he can not do! He knows what hard work is and is not afraid to try anything! He puts 100% into everything and everyone and expects nothing less in return. Devon strives to succeed in all he does and if he ever fails its not because he did not try. I am bragging aren’t I?

A few months back he asked if he could list me as his mother on Facebook. I cried. I know he does not know about the little boy I lost way back so he could not possibly know how much that one little act on FB meant to me. I love my “I love you mom” messages he leaves me and I enjoy seeing the pictures of him and his little boy. When he went to Hawaii I was like a nervous mom asking him to text me when he landed so I would know he was safe. And like a good son, he did.

I am a very blessed woman and I have so many things to be thankful for. I take nothing for granted and know only too well how temporal some things are. I value each and every person that comes into my life because God placed them there for a reason. Being thankful for my family is a given but this year I have to say I am thankful for my son Devon and the lessons he has taught me in the last year about strength and perseverance...and for Twinkies and strawberry milk!  God is good.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Husband

You are my best friend

My life long partner

When I lost faith in love

You came into my life

We have struggled

And at times felt discouraged

But your gentle and calm ways

Always soothed and encouraged me

You have been my rock

My shoulder to cry on

Never once complaining

Only listening and consoling

Through the good and the bad

The ups and the downs

You have been there

Standing strong besides me.

Never once have you complained

About any of my downfalls

You accept me as I am

Imperfections and all

For all of these things

And for many more

I love you

And count myself

Beyond blessed