Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ode To Miss Molly

Your life started out ugly

With abuse and painful wounds

A broken tail a reminder

Of the things you had been through

Yes you are damaged

And not too trusting yet

But that does not stop you

From being a wonderful pet

When I see your happy face

And your wagging broken tail

I am thankful they did not break

Your beautiful spirit as well

You are a smart little girl

Full of energy and love

Happy to run and play

And an occasional belly rub.

You are a fearless dog

Not afraid to stand your ground

You run the show around here

And let all know who is boss

You love to play outside

And have even taught Tank

To not be such a baby

And go outside to bark

I love to see you running

And chasing the hounds

Out the back door

To romp and run around

So little Miss Molly

Don’t you worry about a thing

No one will ever hurt you

You are always safe with me

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